Hope Foundation announces their call for volunteers! - Midwives For Haiti

Hope Foundation announces their call for volunteers!

Hope Foundation announces their call for volunteers!

As summer slides into fall in the Northern Hemisphere, there are a number of great job and volunteer opportunities from our Compassionate Birth Network.

  1.  Shanti Uganda is looking for an Operations Director based in Vancouver. For details contact Executive Director, Maria Wong: maria@shantiuganda.org. Having recently visited Shanti with our Board member midwife Amanda Coslor & family, we can personally attest to the high-quality, life-saving work Shanti is doing in the Luwero District of central Uganda! (www.shantiuganda.org).


  1. Sunrise Centre and Shanti Uganda are accepting applications for volunteer midwives for two-four week or longer. Both community birth centers are thriving and would be enriching placements! For Shanti, contact maria@shantiuganda.org or kate@shanti.org. For Sunrise Centre’s Grace Medical/Maternity: Nicole@buiga-sunrise.org or Erin Ryan: erinryanlm@gmail.com. See the GFH blog for updates on our recent visit.


  1. Hope Foundation for Women & Children of Bangladesh is actively seeking healthcare professionals to volunteer with their local team serving Rohingya refugees in Cox’s Bazar. Jen Stephens from our Network is working with Hope and UNFPA locally. Kim McQuoid, Clinical Director of LaClinica and CNM, FNP in Medford, Oregon leaves Sept. 14 for a month with Hope Foundation. Won’t you consider joining them? See attached and contact Dr. Iftiker Mahmood, our Hope Foundation colleague: iumahmood@gmail.com.


  1. Network Partner and GFH Board Member Numfor Alenwi (Munteh) has received good news he may work in the US legally while awaiting a decision on his application for political asylum! Please contact him directly for job or consulting opportunities, and to receive his resume. He is currently living in Maryland and is happy to consider relocating. His email and organization: nalenwi@yahoo.com.; Cameroon Agenda for Sustainable Development.


Other News

  1. Fundraising inspiration–check out this amazing “virtual fundraising” campaign by Flourish Foundation: https://www.flourishfoundation.org/event/. It is a great example of mission-aligned, inspired fundraising that could be adapted to your setting.  Flourish Founder and ED Ryan Redman is a Global Force Advisor. I’m happy to make an introduction to him or Development Director, Jamie Green.
  1. Hope Foundation for Women & Children of Bangladesh is featured in a recent CNN article for their work with Rohingya women at their field hospital: https://www.cnn.com/2018/08/24/asia/rohingya-rape-survivors-babies-intl/index.html. It has now been 1 year since the refugee crisis became acute.