Dear Ones,
A huge Midwives for Haiti thank you to all of you who have supported us during this end of year campaign! We have so enjoyed sharing our past accomplishments, and giving you a sneak peek at some of our future plans.
Special thanks go to Dr Edwin Wortham V for his generous $25,000 matching donation in support of the new Carrie Wortham Birth Center. It is our intention to break ground on this exciting project in March of this year, barring any unforeseen delays; we will definitely keep you updated!
The SG Foundation also provided a $15,000 matching grant, funding our midwifery school. Class 12 starts their first clinical rotations very soon, so the timing is impeccable. Watch for the students in their iconic pink scrubs!
I’m delighted to share that we met both matches, and collected over $170,000 towards our present and future programming!
Last year approximately 4000 babies were born peacefully into the trained hands of MFH midwives. 4000 times, the universe expanded just that little bit more, making room for each of these tiny beings; the world becomes more complete as each baby is born. For those babies born still, we mourn together with the families, as each loss diminishes us all.
With your help, Midwives for Haiti will continue to serve the families of the Central Plateau and beyond, providing Haitian led, compassionate, evidence based care. What we do isn’t easy, and it isn’t cheap. It is, however, vital, beautiful and life affirming, and we are so glad to be on this journey with you.
Love always,