We recently visited some of our graduates who work at Mama Baby Haiti in Cap Haitien. Mama Baby Haiti is a free standing birth center that provides delivery services to about 40 mothers a month and 30-40 prenatal visits per day.  While we were there, we spoke with Ovena Innocent St Fleur, one of five MFH graduates who work there.

How long have you worked at Mama Baby Haiti?

Since June 2015.

What do you like most about your work?

I like the way things work here, because it’s the work I was hoping to do. We have a lot of people come. We do a lot of deliveries and see a lot of women for prenatal and postnatal care, as well as family planning. I’m very happy to have found this work.

Is there a particular skill you learned with Midwives for Haiti that you use every week?

I use everything I learned, it’s all relevant to the work I do.

Why did you decide to become a midwife?

I like being a midwife. I wanted to take care of pregnant women. I like the moms and babies.

What did you do before you came to train with Midwives for Haiti?

After I finished nursing school, I went to work at Hospital Bienfaissance in Pignon. I did two years of nursing, and then decided to work in maternity. I worked there for nine years, and then decided to come to Midwives for Haiti. I wanted to increase my knowledge.

You work with many other MFH graduates here.

Yes, we collaborate and laugh a lot. There are no problems between the midwives here. We work well together. It is us midwives who keep the center going, it’s all in our hands.