Week 3 update: End of Year Campaign - Lights in the Darkness - Midwives For Haiti
Week 3 update: End of Year Campaign – Lights in the Darkness

Week 3 update: End of Year Campaign – Lights in the Darkness

Dear Ones,

I have such exciting news to share! Our long time supporters, the SG Foundation, have once again given us a grant matching opportunity. Donations up to $20,000 will be matched, giving us a chance to double

our money! We are so grateful for their longtime support, and for giving us the chance to make your money go even further. You can donate through our web portal here at www.midwivesforhaiti.org/donate. This will truly give us a much-needed boost to help keep our programs running smoothly through 2023.

Haiti can be a difficult place to work and live. Life can be upended in an instant, whether through natural disaster, political turmoil, or economic devastation. This is where smaller, community based NGOs have a distinct advantage over huge, multinational organizations. We can respond quickly and pivot operations on the ground with a minimum of bureaucratic delay. We can care for our staff and beneficiaries as swiftly and inexpensively as possible, while keeping their needs as our highest priority.

Thank you SG Foundation for the matching donation!

A prime example of this happened during Covid. When Haitian government regulations for social distancing came out, we realized we (along with most other institutions) were not in compliance. We were able to come to our supporters, and build an outdoor classroom within two weeks, making MFH one of the only schools to be able to carry on with any semblance of normalcy.

And just this week we are having to change our Haitian bank, as the one we are currently using is not able to meet our needs (Haiti is economically disastrous right now. Inflation is over 35%, the gourde is in freefall, and there are almost no US dollars in circulation, severely curtailing us and our staff’s purchasing power). Within a few days, we were able to change not only our account, but all 68 of our staff’s as well.

It is thanks to people like you, and the SG Foundation who make these responses manageable. Thank you for trusting us with your donations, so that we can run our beloved MFH in a transparent and ethical manner. We truly view you all as our partners, and all of us on the ground think of you so fondly.

Thank you for helping us make our match, and for changing the lives of families in Haiti.

Love always,

Jane Drichta
Jane Drichta
Executive Director
Midwives for Haiti

Learn more about our Lights in the Darkness!

Your kind donations allow this work to continue;

Haitian professionals serving Haitian people!

Lights in the Darkness - Meet Gu Jasminne!

Lights in the Darkness – Meet Gu Jasminne!

Meet Jasminne! It is estimated that each midwife in Haiti will catch over 4000 babies during their career! Your gift will enable so many babies to be born


Lights in the Darkness - Meet Gu Jodeline!

Lights in the Darkness – Meet Gu Jodeline!

A woman dedicated to family and community! While many healthcare workers have left Haiti, we have only had two students emigrate in almost 17 years.


Please use this link for a monthly gift: 

Monthly Giving Page – Midwives For Haiti

Or follow this link for a one time donation: 

Donate Form – Midwives For Haiti