March in Hinche - Midwives For Haiti

March in Hinche

Dear Ones,

It has been a busy month here in Hinche, just the way we like it! Progress continues on the new Carrie Wortham Birth Center. We have official surveys completed and are in the process of collecting bids from local contractors, concentrating on those companies who employ women and train young people. Construction should begin soon!

We also have the lovely problem of having outgrown our campus here in Hinche. We are actively exploring options for creating a separate school campus, while keeping our beloved home as the administrative hub for all our programs. We have gigantic aspirations, and I’m indulging in some brave imagining.

Dream with me. Can’t you just picture a serene campus with tropical flowers blooming, pristine pink buildings, a state-of-the-art computer lab and library, and a skills lab where students can practice lifesaving hands on skills with the latest simulation technology? I can clearly envision a kitchen to provide healthy food nourishing our students and staff. How about a dormitory where we could house our students, freeing them from the burden of finding and paying for housing in town? What about a wellness center, where students can practice yoga, engage in meditation and prayer, or receive massage or acupuncture from visiting volunteers?
I know that working together anything is possible. You have proven this to me time and time and again.

At the risk of using a huge cliché, it truly takes a village to accomplish these great projects, and ours is strong! In that vein, I would like to invite you to our Virtual Volunteer Banquet, where we will be honoring two special members of our village, Bobbi Kimsey and Cecily Havener. They are the 2020 and 2021 recipients of the Sarah Taylor Volunteer Award

A special Zoom will be held March 31st, 2022 at 8 pm Eastern time. Please join us in celebrating these two very special friends of Midwives for Haiti.

And continuing with special events, we hope you received our recent email blast/social media post regarding the Midwives in Motion Virtual 5K! This interactive fundraising event will be a great way to shake off those winter cobwebs and get moving with us anytime during the month of June. Run, walk, swim, jog, unicycle…its up to you! We’d love a photo of you in your Midwives in Motion tee shirt, and please invite all your friends!

We are also actively seeking sponsors for our 5K. If you own a small business or would like to honor an individual, group or institution on the tee shirt, our website, and social media, please reach out to me at I would be delighted to share details. See you out there!

As always, thank you so much for your support. The world is a scary place right now, and I feel so lucky to live and work surrounded by folks who truly care.

Best wishes,

Jane Drichta
Jane Drichta
Executive Director
Midwives for Haiti