Thanks and Hope - Midwives For Haiti

Thanks and Hope

Greetings, and a huge thank you to all of you for the support you have shown Midwives for Haiti over the last few weeks. It has indeed been a difficult time; the roadblocks and barricades continue, and the violence remains an ever present threat. Our new supply chain is in place, but of course, like everything else in Haiti, it has its own challenges we are working through. Gas remains very scarce, and we are having to pay black market prices, and medications remain difficult to source in country.

However, it is times such as these that show us just how good people can actually be. We especially want to thank Every Mother Counts for extending $9000 in emergency funds to us. This money will be used to fill in our supply gaps, to purchase much needed gas, and to ship our supplies to Haiti. We could not be more grateful!

We would also like to highlight our friends at an anonymous air force women’s clinic for the donation of 100 clean birth kits. Women helping women is what It’s all about!

Our quilt auction is going well. We have raised an even $1000, which is wonderful. There are still a few days left, though, so head on over and enter for your chance to win! Every penny goes to support our emergency supply drive, and to pay for shipping the supplies to Haiti. I’m sure this lovely quilt would look beautiful in your home, and whenever you use it, you can know you have contributed to saving the lives of Haitian mothers and babies.

Our Amazon Wish List has been updated with some new items and quantities, so if you haven’t had a chance to check it out, now is the time. We have had such a lovely response, but of course, the need is so great right now.  

And just in case you missed it on our social media, we have an exciting story!

One of our midwives at Hospital Ste. Therese caught unexpected triplets! The mother, Angeline, has graciously allowed us to tell her story and share some exclusive pictures, not seen online. She is a 24 year old mother, with three other children at home. She had only attended one antenatal visit during her pregnancy, as she lives in such a remote area. Angeline had to literally cross a mountain in order to receive care, which makes us even more determined to get a midwife in every village!

Her one visit was at 5 months, and she was told then that she was having twins. But as her pregnancy progressed, her belly grew and grew, even beyond what could be expected for two babies. Angeline recounts that her belly was so large it was practically on the ground!

Luckily, Angeline was able to avoid the roadblocks and protests and get to Hospital Ste Therese, where she gave birth to three healthy babies. Unfortunately, she suffered a severe postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) afterwards, a well known risk factor with multiple babies, as the stretched uterus finds it harder to contract after birth. Additionally, 22% of maternal deaths in Haiti are caused by PPH, according to the Pan American health organization, second only to pre-eclampsia at 23%.  

This story had a happy ending, although thousands don’t. In Haiti a woman dies every 20 minutes in childbirth (Shah, 2018). Angeline and her family just show how needed good midwifery training is, and how MFH is filling an essential need.

As always, we thank each and every one of you, as it is through your support that we can provide needed care to mothers like Angeline, and many others. Haitian midwives providing care to Haitian mothers is always the goal, and with your help we CAN lower the maternal mortality rate in Haiti. 

Together, we are already doing it!

Love always,

Of course, you can always donate directly on our website. It’s easy and quick, and your money goes directly to supplies right now.