NEWS FROM HAITI Archives - Page 10 of 13 - Midwives For Haiti


Update: Hurricane Irma + Haiti

Many supporters have reached out to us for news about Hurricane Irma as it approached Haiti. As we saw last year from Hurricane Matthew, Haiti, with it’s fragile infrastructure, is particularly vulnerable to natural disasters.  We were deeply concerned about Irma– and prepared for the worst. We are relieved to

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27 Intimate Birth Photos From Haiti

We love seeing the collections of “best birth photos” that make the rounds on the Internet. Seeing confident moms giving birth with supportive care providers are important images for all to witness. It got us thinking, though, about the stark differences in experience that women worldwide have while giving birth.

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Why It Matters: Mobile Clinic

Dear Friends of Midwives For Haiti- The work that we do in Haiti does not occur under just one roof. Our Mobile Prenatal Clinic travels to remote locations where, without our mobile unit, the women seen would not have access to consistent prenatal care and medical support during their pregnancies. On a single day,

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New Home Visit Program Launched in Hinche!

After witnessing the success of our home visit program at the rural Carrie Wortham Birth Center, we’ve wanted to do something similar in Hinche. About 200 mothers give birth at the local hospital here each month and although our Postnatal Care Program there has filled a critical gap in care,

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